package main import ( "fmt" // "os" // "strings" "" "" // textblink "" // "" tea "" "" "" ) var docStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Margin(1, 2) var loginStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Width(40).Align(lipgloss.Center).BorderStyle(lipgloss.NormalBorder()) var inputStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle() func (i TODO) Title() string { return i.Name } func (i TODO) Description() string { return i.Desc } func (i TODO) FilterValue() string { return i.Name } type model struct { Tabs []string // TabContent []string LoggedIn bool ActiveWindow string TodayTab list.Model TomorrowTab list.Model loginInputs []textinput.Model focused int err error } func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd { return textinput.Blink // return nil } const ( url = iota login pass ) //TODO add changing calendar func InitModel() model { var inputs []textinput.Model = make([]textinput.Model, 3) inputs[url] = textinput.New() inputs[url].Placeholder = "https://nextcloud.example/remote.php/dav" inputs[url].Focus() // inputs[url].CharLimit = 20 inputs[url].Width = 30 inputs[url].Prompt = "" // inputs[url].Validate = urlValidator inputs[login] = textinput.New() inputs[login].Placeholder = "username" // inputs[login].CharLimit = 5 inputs[login].Width = 30 inputs[login].Prompt = "" // inputs[login].Validate = loginValidator inputs[pass] = textinput.New() inputs[pass].Placeholder = "MySecurePassword" // inputs[pass].CharLimit = 3 inputs[pass].Width = 30 inputs[pass].Prompt = "" // inputs[pass].Validate = passValidator output := model{ Tabs: []string{"Today", "Tomorrow", "Add"}, loginInputs: inputs, focused: 0, err: nil, // TabContent: []string{"ERROR?", "Mascara Tab", "Foundation Tab"}, } return output } func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) { switch msg := msg.(type) { case tea.KeyMsg: if m.ActiveWindow == "login" { switch keypress := msg.String(); keypress { case "ctrl+c", "q": return m, tea.Quit case "enter": if m.focused == len(m.loginInputs)-1 { //TODO submit // try login -> store -> move to getting stuff return m, tea.Quit } m.nextInput() case "shift+tab", "up": m.prevInput() case "tab", "down": m.nextInput() } for i := range m.loginInputs { m.loginInputs[i].Blur() } m.loginInputs[m.focused].Focus() } switch keypress := msg.String(); keypress { case "ctrl+c", "q": return m, tea.Quit // case "right", "l", "n", "tab": //TODO add to help case "tab": if m.LoggedIn { h, v := docStyle.GetFrameSize() width, height, _ := term.GetSize(0) switch m.ActiveWindow { case "today": m.ActiveWindow = "tomorrow" m.TomorrowTab.SetSize(width-h, height-v) case "tomorrow": m.ActiveWindow = "today" m.TodayTab.SetSize(width-h, height-v) } return m, nil } // case "a" { // TODO add new element // return m, tea.Quit // } case "t": // TODO add new element return m, tea.Quit } case tea.WindowSizeMsg: h, v := docStyle.GetFrameSize() switch m.ActiveWindow { case "login": m.TodayTab.SetSize(msg.Width-h, msg.Height-v) case "today": m.TodayTab.SetSize(msg.Width-h, msg.Height-v) case "tomorrow": m.TomorrowTab.SetSize(msg.Width-h, msg.Height-v) } } var cmd tea.Cmd // text input switch m.ActiveWindow { case "login": for i := range m.loginInputs { m.loginInputs[i], cmd = m.loginInputs[i].Update(msg) } case "today": m.TodayTab, cmd = m.TodayTab.Update(msg) case "tomorrow": m.TomorrowTab, cmd = m.TomorrowTab.Update(msg) } // m.TodayTab, cmd = m.TodayTab.Update(msg) // m.TomorrowTab, cmd = m.TomorrowTab.Update(msg) return m, cmd } func (m model) View() string { var tabOutput string switch m.ActiveWindow { case "login": width, height, _ := term.GetSize(0) width -=2 height -=2 loginStyle = loginStyle. // Width(30). // Height(height/5). MarginTop(height/5). MarginLeft(width/2-20) // MarginRight(width/3) tabOutput = loginStyle.Render(m.RenderLogin()) // w, h := lipgloss.Size(tabOutput) case "today": tabOutput = docStyle.Render(m.TodayTab.View()) case "tomorrow": tabOutput = docStyle.Render(m.TomorrowTab.View()) case "": width, height, _ := term.GetSize(0) width -=2 height -=2 loginStyle = loginStyle. Width(width/3). Height(1). MarginTop(height/2). MarginLeft(width/3+2). MarginRight(width/3) tabOutput = loginStyle.Render("ERROR") } // if m.activeTab == 0 { // tabOutput = docStyle.Render(m.TodayTab.View()) // } // if m.activeTab == 1 { // tabOutput = docStyle.Render(m.TomorrowTab.View()) // } return tabOutput } func (m model) RenderLogin() string { return fmt.Sprintf( `%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s `, inputStyle.Width(30).Align(lipgloss.Center).Render("Login"), inputStyle.Width(30).Foreground(lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Dark: "50"}).Render("WebDAV server URL"), m.loginInputs[url].View(), inputStyle.Width(30).Foreground(lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Dark: "50"}).Render("Login"), m.loginInputs[login].View(), inputStyle.Width(30).Foreground(lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Dark: "50"}).Render("Password"), m.loginInputs[pass].View(), //TODO hide inputStyle.Render("Continue ->"), ) // .Align(lipgloss.Center).BorderStyle(lipgloss.NormalBorder()) } func (m *model) nextInput() { m.focused = (m.focused + 1) % len(m.loginInputs) } // prevInput focuses the previous input field func (m *model) prevInput() { m.focused-- // Wrap around if m.focused < 0 { m.focused = len(m.loginInputs) - 1 } }