title = 'ListOf wordlists'
date = 2024-06-02

## Web

Rockyou for web dirs - [six2dez/OneListForAll](https://github.com/six2dez/OneListForAll). It have
 - micro - 26K lines - "manally crafted wordlist for low hanging fruits"  
 - short - 900K lines - a short version, it also contains a lot of things, but in a more affordable way

Special pathes - LFI, juicy APIs, misconfigurations.. etc - [ayoubfathi/leaky-paths](https://github.com/ayoubfathi/leaky-paths)

Platform specific (drupal,wordpress...) - [trickest/wordlists](https://github.com/trickest/wordlists/tree/main/technologies)  

Common sensitive points - [RobotsDisallowed](https://github.com/danielmiessler/RobotsDisallowed)

A lot of stuff. - [Seclist](https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists)

## Passes

### The most used passwords

Combo of all wordlists with count of how much times is used - [berzerk0/Probable-Wordlists](https://github.com/berzerk0/Probable-Wordlists)

6y old wordlist for Russian-speaking people - [sharsi1/russkiwlst](https://github.com/sharsi1/russkiwlst)

### Passphrases


### Tools
