+++ title = 'HowTo Social Media' date = 2024-12-29 image = 'https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgflip.com%2F6f06pd.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=2f81db32331e1bc7c8b953df2d8146a98d1a9de456f8b5cc98c7e67f4a5b557e&ipo=images' +++ > Social Media is a dystopian hell machine. It's bad for your privacy and health. Don't use it. By using [minimalism/essentialism](TODO) practices we can mitigate it and its problems. - Remove any social media accounts if possible - [Use RSS](TODO) to get posts from blogs/channels/community... - Setup XMPP/Matrix bridge with your friends/work group chats - Move to [secure messenger (XMPP)](TODO) - If you have to use social media, keep it minimal: - Define what you **need** from social media (e.g. yt video development - you need to post new videos and answer comments) - Disable notifications - Disable any unnecesarry for your **needs** features (like feed, stories, channels, group chats...) - Make sure it does only what you need from it and nothing more that may lure you to do what you don't want to (e.g. scroll videos) - Create separate account - Create separate phone profile/user to use social media - Use DnD (Do not Distrube) - Use more private alternative (youtube -> invidious) [WhyNot Social Media?](/personal/whynot_social_media)