diff --git a/content/productivity/HowTo_create_habit.md b/content/productivity/HowTo_create_habit.md
index ba856de..a4b782f 100644
--- a/content/productivity/HowTo_create_habit.md
+++ b/content/productivity/HowTo_create_habit.md
@@ -4,10 +4,105 @@ date = 2024-04-27
-{{< rawhtml >}}
- Details
- Something small enough to escape casual notice.
+Building habit is hard and takes 90 days of consistent everyday work. Here is guide to make a habit in (subjectively) easy way.
+## The Most Important
+1. Distraction
+ Don't get distracted.
+ - Use DnD (Do not Disturb) mode in your phone while doing habit
+ - Use Pomodoro Technique
+ - Ask people to not distract you
+2. Consistency
+ Do a little of your habit (even if it's seems so miserable), but __do it everyday__.
+3. Environment
+ - Make your environment remind you about habit (ideally motivate you).
+ - Clean your environment to be pleasant to do habit in (__declutter room__).
+ - Start consume more content which connected to your habit
+ - Connect with people who connected to your habit
+## Recommended
+4. Improve
+ Get 1% improvement every day. For example - increase how much time you spend on habit a little bit everyday
+ (If you struggle to improve - it may be still hard for you, take your time. You also may really not enjoy doing habit or not motivated enough)
+5. Identity
+ Define not goals, define yourself which do those habits regularly:
+ 1. Identify the type of person you want to be, person who do this habit
+ 2. Prove it to yourself with small wins
+4. Trigger
+ Make a trigger (an action) which put you into doing habit, ideally it should be associative with habit. Later you can use it to initiate doing habit by using trigger.
+6. Reward yourself
+ Promise yourself that after doing habit you will reward yourself somehow in specific way.
+## Other Tips:
+ - Use Habit tracker (I like https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/index/apk/com.ofalvai.habittracker )
+ - Ask yourself about your habit:
+ - How can I make it obvious that I have this habit?
+ - How can I make it attractive to do this habit?
+ - How can I make it easy to do this habit?
+ - How can I make it satisfying to do this habit?
+ - Don't define goals, define identity (#5)
+## Example:
+Example habit - *read 10 pages of book everyday*.
+### The Most Important
+1. Distraction
+ - Use DnD (Do not Disturb) mode in your phone while doing habit
+ - Use Pomodoro Technique
+ - Ask people to not distract you
+2. Consistency
+ Force yourself to read 1 page if you are not into mood.
+3. Environment
+ - __declutter room__
+ - __go to reading club__
+ - find people who read same books as you
+ - find reading subreddit
+ - clean table
+ - put the book on the table
+ - specify place for things where they belong (and start put them at their places)
+ - watch videos with book recommendations
+ - stick beautiful bookmark to the wall near your monitor...
+ anything you imagine is fit.
+### Recommended
+4. Improve
+ E.g - this week you started reading 1 page every day, next week try reading 2-3 pages every day.
+4. Trigger
+ - wear specific T-shirt (with text)
+ - sit at specific place or on another chair
+ - look at bookshelf right before doing task
+ - alarm at specific time, do a clap...
+ anything you imagine is fit.
+5. Identity
+ "I'm a book lover, I do read a lot", "I read 10 pages yesterday, so I read more than 80% of people"
+6. Reward yourself
+ Eat specific candy after reading pages for today (even if it's 1 page)
+{{< source >}}
+Summary of Atomic Habits - https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits-summary
+Random YouTube videos
+My Experience
+{{< /source >}}
diff --git a/layouts/shortcodes/source.html b/layouts/shortcodes/source.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4de86c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/shortcodes/source.html
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ Sources
+ {{ range split (strings.TrimLeft "\n" (strings.TrimRight "\n" .Inner)) "\n" }}
+ - {{ printf "%s\n" . }}
+ {{ end }}
diff --git a/layouts/shortcodes/spoiler.html b/layouts/shortcodes/spoiler.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ca91a6..0000000
--- a/layouts/shortcodes/spoiler.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- {{ if (.Get "text") }}
{{ with .Get "text" }}{{ . | safeHTML }}{{ else }} {{ end }}
- {{ end }}
-click to show
-{{ if .Inner }}
-click to hide
-{{ end }}
-{{ .Inner }}